
Cutting-Edge Neuroscience Solutions for In Vitro & In Vivo Research

We offer a comprehensive suite of neuroscience solutions to support your research from in vitro to in vivo studies. Our advanced tools and technologies enable researchers to achieve high-quality, reliable data that drives scientific discovery. Whether you're studying cellular models or conducting experiments in freely moving animals, we provide the essential resources to elevate your neuroscience research.



Icon-Neuron In Vitro Electrophysiology

Record and analyze neuronal activity and neural network synchronicity in cell cultures, brain slices, or organoids with multielectrode array (MEA) solutions from Multi Channel Systems. Accelerate neuropharmacological screening and neural circuit function analysis with an innovative modular system that allows you to run up to eight experiments simultaneously. Learn more.

ION_Channel_Icon Ion Channel Studies

Perform detailed studies on neuronal excitability, synaptic transmission, and ion channel currents with HEKA’s patch clamp amplifiers Learn more.

Icon-DNA Genetic Expression & Editing

Transfect neurons and generate genetically manipulated animals with BTX’s electroporation and electrofusion systems. Ideal for targeted in vitro and in utero genetic manipulation, transfection, cell programming, and gene therapy, your system includes access to our free protocol library containing over 1,000 cell-specific protocols. Learn more.

Icon-Molecule Molecular Analysis

Ensure accurate quality control and biomarker identification with Biochrom’s spectrophotometers for nucleic acid and protein quantification. Learn more.

New! Mesh MEA

Generate true-to-life recordings from inside an organoid without impacting its morphology.


Icon-MouseLongitudinal Recordings in Freely Moving Animals

Enable remote, continuous monitoring of intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion, EEG, and locomotor activity in freely moving animals with DSI telemetry implants. Synchronize with techniques like optogenetics and respiratory plethysmography to gain comprehensive insights into neurological processes, supported by automated analysis of behaviors such as sleep stages and seizures. Learn More.


New! SoHo™ Implantable Telemetry

Enable high throughput, GLP compliant neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology activity studies.

Icon-EEG-Graph Tethered and Wireless In Vivo Electrophysiology

Facilitate in-depth neurological monitoring and analysis of freely moving animals, anesthetized animals, or organ explants with Multi Channel Systems' Multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). Utilize wireless headstage recordings for high spatio-temporal resolution of neuronal activity, including spikes, LFP, EEG, and ECoG. Learn More.

Icon-Brain Behavioral Monitoring & Brain Chemistry Evaluation

Enable comprehensive assessment of neurological disorders' impact on cognition, learning, memory, sensory processing, motor control, and emotional state with Panlab’s behavior solutions. Tailor experiments using a variety of paradigms, from basic mazes to advanced operant conditioning, and integrate in vivo neuronal analysis with telemetry, electrophysiology, optogenetics, and microdialysis for holistic insights. Learn More.


New! VivaMARS™ Mobile Activity Rack System

Enable high throughput, GLP compliant neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology activity studies.

Complementary Tools for Neuroscience Research

Icon-Ventilator Surgical Solutions

Monitor vital signs in real-time with advanced physiologic parameter displays, ensuring precise brain region targeting as well as humane care of the animal. Maintain optimal surgical conditions with cutting-edge anesthesia systems, ventilators, and temperature control devices for accurate and reliable results. Learn More

Icon-Syringe Syringe and Peristaltic Pumps

Facilitate controlled compound infusion into specific brain regions with a comprehensive solution for neuroscience and stereotaxic applications. Learn more.



Services Tailored to Your Research Needs

When you leverage services and support from Harvard Bioscience, you have an extra set of hands from start to finish. With multiple packages available, we are here to help you execute your project successfully and on time. Whether you are publishing research or bringing a new drug to market, our service packages give your lab the tools it needs to help you meet your goals.


Ready to learn more?

We’re here to help. Contact us for questions or quoting information.