Featured Product
VivaMARS Mobile Activity Rack
VivaMARS Mobile Activity Rack System
A new activity solution specially designed to address all the needs of high efficiency in CROs for neurotoxicology and neuropharmacology studies.

Mobile Activity Rack System
Mobile activity rack system for activity studies in small laboratory animals. The system includes software, interface hardware, photobeam sensors placed into mobile rack units with individual capacity for 10 animals per rack, and wheels for transport as needed across the facility.
High Throughput
With the high throughput capacity of the VivaMARS mobile activity rack system (up to 30 subjects by session), increase your experimental capacity and complete more studies in less time!
Modular, portable system design for both mice and rats. Easily adapt the configuration of your laboratory to your current experimental needs.
Time-saving operations
No extra cleaning or time for a home cage switch is needed. Infrared sensor levels are adjusted seamlessly by our software, taking less than a minute per study.
Data Accuracy
Two-dimensional (x,y) activity measurement and precise IR sensor spacing for optimal resolution and reliability. Smaller infrared beam spacing creates higher data accuracy ensuring minor movements are captured within your data and no therapeutic effects or adverse events will be missed.
Collect the data you need
- Locomotor activity
- Fine movements
- Rearing/Jumping
- Tracking (distance travelled, speed)
- Data calculated per user-defined interval of time

Applications Include:
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