Biochrom Bio 32+ Oxidized Protein Hydrolysate Amino Acid Analyzer Systems

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aaa 30+ amino acid analysis system biochrom
Biochrom 30+ Amino Acid Analyzer - Harvard Bioscience
aaa 30+ amino acid analyzer biochrom
aaa 30+ amino acid analysis system biochrom
Biochrom 30+ Amino Acid Analyzer - Harvard Bioscience

Biochrom Bio 32+ Oxidized Protein Hydrolysate Amino Acid Analyzer Systems

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The continuous monitoring and accurate qualification of amino proteins, peptides, and other food ingredients at a molecular level are vital for every lab. The Biochrom Bio 32+ Oxidized Protein Hydrolysate System analyzes complex oxidized hydrolysates from food and feedstuffs, identifying limiting amino acids for feed formulation adjustments.

Trust the superior Biochrom AAA equipment and expert support for precise analysis of food, beverage, and feedstuff amino acids, allowing you to focus on promoting a healthier world with confidence in your results.




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Are you confident that you are getting the accurate results that you need?

The Bio 32+ Oxidized Protein Hydrolysate System is ideal for the:

  • Indication of origin and type of protein source
  • Indication of spoilage e.g., analysis of amine in fish products
  • Indication of microbial contamination
  • Research of optimum diet formulation and nutritional value
  • Identification of unwanted supplements
  • Proof of quality and nutritional value of final product
  • Nutritional labelling
  • Monitoring quality of product throughout the production process

This system meets the requirements of the standard methods from AOAC and the EU Commission Directive 98/64/EC.


System suitable for:

  • Research, Development and Manufacturing
  • Quality Control and Compositional Analysis


Specific applications:

  • Detection of up to 20 amino acids normally found in proteins
  • Protein and peptide analysis for pharmaceutical applications
  • Food, beverages, plant extracts, fermentation products, culture media, nutraceuticals and infusion fluids


Biochrom 32+ Series of Amino Acid Analyzers are customizable.

Please contact your sales representative or distributor for system ordering information.

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In the competitive food industry, dieticians rely on dedicated amino acid analysis for precise protein measurement, crucial for ensuring food quality and serving as a valuable sales aid. This analysis is integral for producers to monitor quality from raw materials through final product processing.


A Dedicated Amino Acid Analysis System 

Accurate: Superb separation, accurately identifies and quantifies free amino acids, as well as the amino acid composition of proteins and peptides.
Reliable: Minimal matrix interference and near baseline separation. Automated derivatization of amino acids maximizes reproducibility.
Fast: Rapid protocols that increase sample throughput by cutting analysis time.
Economical: The column cleaning and repacking service, gives columns an almost indefinite life and cuts the cost of ownership.
Fully Automated: Total PC control allows 24/7 operations.
Versatile: Wide variety of sample types compatible: Protein hydrolysates from various food and feedstuff samples or synthetic drugs, nutraceuticals, beverages.
Easy to implement: No lengthy method development required as this well characterized system is established worldwide. All customers have their instrument optimized to their application directly from the factory.
Convenient: Interchangeable sample trays allow samples to be prepared in advance and stored refrigerated.
Robust: Advanced fluidics and robust hardware mean easy maintenance for users, backed by the reassurance of Biochrom's dedicated service and support team.
Flexible: Integrated software, choice of different methods to adapt to the user's needs. Automatic sample set-up. Networking and exporting of data.
Compact: Bench top design requiring minimum lab space.


Instrument Typical Package

The Instrument package consists of the Analyzer (electronics unit, pumps, and detection system) plus:

  • Cooled or Non-Cooled Autosampler
  • Column kit: analytical column and top-up ion exchange resin, prewash column and top-up ion exchange resin
  • Ninhydrin
  • Buffer Chemical Kit suitable for up to 170 analyses
  • Spare parts and Consumables Kit
  • Calibration Standard
  • Hardware control and data handling software
  • Desktop PC, LED widescreen monitor
  • User Manual (PDF format)
  • Power cables


For buffer and chemicals information, consult the Consumables tab below.

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Instrument Specifications
Specification Data
Reproducibility Area: < 1.5% RSD at 10 nanomoles
Retention time: < 0.5 %RSD
Pumps Two dual piston pumps with integrated pressure transducer and drain valve
Ceramic pump head, sapphire pistons and valves
Electronically controlled piston wash
Operating Pressures Buffer pressure: maximum 150 bar
Ninhydrin pressure: maximum 24 bar
Analytical Column High pressure PEEK column packed with Ultropac 8 cation exchange resin.
Peltier heating/cooling system
Sample Injection 3 injection modes (full loop, partial loop and micro), 84 position autosampler
Sample volumes from 1 µL to 5000 µL (200 µL loop supplied as standard)
Temperatures Column temperature variable between 20°C and 99°C
Reaction coil temperature adjustable between 40°C and 145°C (135°C is optimum)
Software Phoenix Integrated Control Software
Data Apex Clarity or Agilent OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition
Photometer Single flow cell with optical beam splitter with detection at 440 nm and 570 nm
Weight and Dimensions Main System: 50 kg (110 lb.) 48 x 59 x 57 cm (19 x 23 x 22 in.)
Autosampler: 21kg (46 lb.) 30 x 57.5 x 36 cm (12 x 23 x 14 in.)
Required Services Oxygen free nitrogen gas (99.99%) or argon gas regulated to 5 bar
Drainage facility
240V/100V, 50Hz/60Hz, 300VA mains supply
Safety Systems

Automatic shut down and reaction coil flushing in the event of:

  • Power failure
  • Photometer lamp failure
  • Low ninhydrin, low buffer, low coil or low nitrogen pressures
  • High coil or column temperatures, high ninhydrin, high buffer or high coil pressures


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Related Documents
Biochrom Phoenix Brochure DOWNLOAD
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) View MSDS
Certificates of Analysis View Certificates of Analysis


Product name
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EZ Nin Reagent Kit 2L NC
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 90 runs (Protein Hydrolysate System) or 45 runs (Physiological Fluid High Performance System)
Includes: EZ Nin Reagent ready-to-use 2L bottle, In-line filter, Quick Start Guide

EZ Nin Reagent Kit 4L NC (2 x 2L)
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 180 runs (Protein Hydrolysate System) or 90 runs (Physiological Fluid High Performance System)
Includes: EZ Nin Reagent ready-to-use 2x 2L bottle, 2x In-line filter, Quick Start Guide

EZ Nin Reagent Kit 8L NC (4 x 2L)
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 360 runs (Protein Hydrolysate System) or 180 runs (Physiological Fluid High Performance System)
Includes: EZ Nin Reagent ready-to-use 4x 2L bottle, 4x In-line filter, Quick Start Guide

Ultra Ninhydrin Kit 2L NC
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 90 runs (Protein Hydrolysate System) or 45 runs (Physiological Fluid High Performance System)
Includes Ultra Ninhydrin Solution 2L, Ultrosolve Plus Solution, In-line Filter

Ultra Ninhydrin Kit 8L NC (4 x 2L)
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 360 runs (Protein Hydrolysate System) or 180 runs (Physiological Fluid High Performance System)
Includes 4x Ultra Ninhydrin Solution 2L, 4x Ultrosolve Plus Solution, 4x In-line Filter

Sodium Oxidized Buffer Kit (no ninhydrin reagent included)
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 320 runs (High Performance System)
Includes 2x Sodium Oxidized Buffer 1, 2x Sodium Oxidized Buffer 2, 2x Sodium Oxidized Buffer 5, 1x Sodium Regeneration Buffer 6, 1x Sodium Loading Buffer

Sodium Accelerated Buffer Kit (no ninhydrin reagent included)
Item #:

Sufficient for up to 350 runs
Includes 2x Accelerated Buffer 1, 1x Sodium Accelerated Buffer 2, 2x Sodium Accelerated Buffer 3, 2x Sodium Accelerated Buffer 4, 1x Sodium Loading Buffer

Sodium Oxidized Buffer 1
Item #:

2 L, pH 3.35

Sodium Hydro/Oxidized Buffer 2
Item #:

2 L, pH 4.25

Sodium Oxidized Buffer 3
Item #:

2 L, pH 2.65

Sodium Oxidized Buffer 4
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2 L, pH 8.6

Sodium Regeneration Buffer 6
Item #:

1 L, NaoH

Sodium Loading Buffer
Item #:

2 L, Ph 2.20

Sodium Accelerated Buffer 1
Item #:

2 L

Sodium Accelerated Buffer 2
Item #:

2 L

Sodium Accelerated Buffer 3
Item #:

2 L

Sodium Accelerated Buffer 4
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2 L

Oxidized Hydrolysate Standard, 2.5mM
Item #:

This ISO 17034 Reference Material (RM) is manufactured and verified in accordance ISO17034 and ISO17025. The analyte concentrations are verified by a quality control laboratory and the true value and uncertainty values at the 95% confidence level are reported for each analyte.

This is supplied in a sealed glass vial containing 5 mL of standard solution in a 0.1 N Hydrochloric Acid matrix. A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each vial. Store Refrigerated (2o to 8oC). Do Not Freeze.

Sodium Oxidized High Resolution Analytical Column
Item #:

20cm x 4.6mm ID

Sodium Oxidized High Performance Analytical Column
Item #:

20cm x 4.6mm ID

Sodium Prewash column
Item #:

10cm x 4.6mm ID

Analytical Column Cleaning Service
Item #:

All analytical columns

Prewash Column Cleaning Service
Item #:

All prewash columns